Strathnaver Museum & Mackay Country Community Trust Moving Times & Museum Tales
During 2012 Strathnaver Museum and Mackay Country Community Trust ran projects that were seperate but intertwined. Both examined areas of specific interest and commissioned artists to interpret and research our artefacts.
Mackay Country Community Trust
Our project will focus on the 3 themes independently taking the best route to deliver the identified outcomes but with flexibility to allow manoeuvring when results and conclusions recognise unforeseen avenues. Emphasis will be given to features which can be advanced to give an understanding to the establishments of culture and principals of stability of diverse heritage for present and future generations to experience and enjoy. The outcomes will be determined to centre on the association of the themes to give a more detailed understanding of the integrated complexity of Mackay Country to help people to learn about their own and other peoples heritage.
1. Hostel Experiences For over forty years the people of NW Sutherland had been struggling with bureaucracy to have their children's education completed in the area where they live. Latterly the children were returned home at weekends but for many years they had been away from home all term then monthly visits home for the weekend. The idea was proposed by the young people who were the last age group to be educated at secondary school level via the Hostel system. It is a topic which has interest and relevance for everyone from 30 years old and over in the area. This aspect looks at educational history in the 20th Century.
2. The Story of side schools will identify many historical aspects of the era. Side Schools were used when there were a number of children in a remote part. The Side Schools were conducted by a competent (but sometimes unqualified) teacher under the overall supervision of the nearby formal school establishment. These were usually wooden and corrugated iron huts. There have been side schools at numerous locations throughout Mackay Country. School's foundations of the old single—roomed Side school remain visible in some areas. Side schools were in operation during the 19th and 20th Century
3. Moving Times – a celebratory look at inward migration past & present, - Much has been written and many studies continue about the Highland Clearances (Scottish Gaelic: Fuadach nan Gàidheal, the expulsion of the Gael) which were forced displacements of the population of the Scottish Highlands during the 18th and 19th centuries. We wish to explore the reverse of this and look at the immigrants and newcomers to the area reasons & effects. The history of the area is a history of movement. As an investigative topic migration is uniquely inclusive. Everyone either has family who emigrated out of Mackay Country or family who immigrated into Mackay Country. Some families have both. This makes it an ideal topic for a community based exploration and heritage project. This part of the project will look at a period form the 19th Century to present day.
We plan to explore and compare how maintenance of social relationships were preserved and how communities lived and developed ways to survive. We wish to evaluate the effects on the people and communities and the way the communities involved interacted with each other then and how this effects the now.
We will explore the relationships of the environment with the people and the effects of the forces of the social situations they encountered. In the 3 aspects, initially appearing diverse and separate, there are many similar and common themes. People were forced due to social infrastructure, politics, environment, and economics to endure or manage with the circumstances provided or created.
Strathnaver Museum
To increase heritage knowledge and involve people in the development of heritage awareness through improvement of the Museums resources.
Project Aims: The idea for the project came from a series of meetings around the area. Over the past 8 years, while working towards a bigger redevelopment the Museum has continued to develop its activities and has increased visitor numbers by over 30% in the past 4 years. Our project is a significant aspect of social history and can play a leading role in community conservation and enhance the UK's diverse heritage. The scheme is designed and dependant on ensuring that everyone can learn about and have access to, and enjoy their heritage. The museum is also looked to as a research resource in a formal sense. There are often enquiries from individuals, students and researchers around the world, seeking out information about family, and sites external to the museum. The Museum preserves history while simultaneously linking the past, present and future through the interpretation of objects and sharing of information to highlight past ways of life via programmes of activity both within the museum and out in the community. To adequately preserve The Museum‘s wide-ranging collection of artefacts and archive the materials that relate to documentation of the history has come about from the concern that the culture, traditions and customs should be updated by record and kept for future generations. A groundswell of opinion has given momentum to provide a medium of this preservation.
Control the permanent and growing local archive with easy flexible and imaginative access to a range of historical sources through organising the acquisition and retrieval of records; entering material into searchable databases/ catalogues and promoting local and global demand for this work through building up website archive access.
Digitizing all census material with training in genealogy to enable effective genealogical research to create a genealogy provision using archive materials and marketing a genealogy service.
Run events interpreting research findings and archive materials and promoting people’s own ability to do this for their own lives and communities through evaluating records for preservation and retention; arranging guided walks in Strathnaver with winter talks series and other social events focused on local history, music and archaeology based on the museum collection.