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Donn Country : A 300 year legacy
Rob Donn and Loch Eriboll

Several Rob Donn songs are set on the shores of Loch Eriboll, including elegies for Ewen of Polla and the Rispond misers and comic songs about a wedding at Port Chamull and a marooned sailor at Fresgill. The Rispond misers, bachelor brothers who died a week after turning a beggar from their door, were roundly condemned for lack of Christian charity:
Daoine nach d’ rinn briseadh iad,
Is e fiosrachail do chàch;
’S cha mhò a rinn iad aon dad,
Ris an can an saoghal gràs.
These men broke no commandments,
As far as we can trace,
Nor did their deeds show anything
Of what the world calls grace.
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