Mackay Country Community Trust Moving Times & Museum Tales - The Project
The Research & The Team
A small bi-lingual team conducted audio and video interviews with people who stayed in the Hostel or lodgings for schooling and with people who have moved into the area – or whose folks did so in the past. The history of the side schools was explored via site visits, local memories and archive work on School Board Minutes and School Log Books. Fieldwork interviewing across the north was carried out by
Issie MacPhail, Assynt;
Catriona Macleod, Strathnaver;
Alda (Alasdair) Macleod, Strathnaver;
Shona Munro, Bettyhill;
Rosemary MacIntosh, Skerray;
Sarah Beveridge, Melness and
Iain Copeland, Skye.
Support in organising events and materials was provided by Sarah Beveridge; Owen Brown, Glasgow; Claire Belshaw, Stoer; John Cairns, Openbook Ltd; Sandra Munro, Bettyhill; Shona Munro; Stephen and Rhona Graham, Skerray; Kris Scott, Skerray; Ben Stickland, Skerray; Donnie Macaskill, Strath Halladale; Glenda Cairncross, Scourie and Essie Stewart, Bonar Bridge.
Training in oral history fieldwork and archiving was provided for Mey Sandison, Tongue; Anna Milligan, Melness; Essie Stewart, Bonar Bridge and Deirdre Nà Mhathúna, Edinburgh. The rest of the team attended for refresher training and new project-specific training in order to tackle the work. Some participants accessed training materials and exercises remotely via Dropbox. Audio and video work in support of the fieldwork and the DVD documentary were provided by Gavin Lockhart and Iain Copeland. Iain also provided technical support and Archive Development input for the team. Transcription was carried out by Mackay Country research stalwarts Catriona Macleod and Isobel Patience who now lives in Halkirk. Research management, training, archive research, analysis and writing was undertaken by Dr Issie MacPhail. Project administration was provided by Ronnie Lansely.
The Moving Times work was augmented enormously by the input provided by our five Artists in Residence – Iain Copeland, George Gunn, Fiona J. Mackenzie, Patricia Niemann and Lotte Glob. Please see the ‘Learning as we go’ section for a whole lot more about their work.
The Highland Archive Centre has provided invaluable support and access to School Board Minutes, County Council records and school Log Books. It is a wonderful resource, located in Inverness, and open to anyone Monday to Thursday each week. Golpsie Heritage Society provided constant support and crucial access to and use of their archives. They are open every Tuesday morning and have a wonderful monthly talks and meeting programme of events. The help of Strathnaver Museum was likewise invaluable and hugely appreciated. The National Library of Scotland holds The Sutherland Estate papers which are an importance source for the history of Sutherland Technical School.