Mackay Country Community Trust Moving Times & Museum Tales - The Project
The Tech Graffiti Gallery
A very poignant sort of ‘Tech’ memorabilia has been provided by Golspie Heritage Society.
These are the pictures of the graffiti from inside The Tech which were taken in November 2006 just before renovations began. By 2008 the whole building had been converted into the new Highland Council offices. We are profoundly grateful to Goslpie Heritage Society for access to these photos and their fascinating ‘Tech’ archive of documents and objects.
Today the old Tech building serves as the Headquarters for Highland Council’s Sutherland offices. The sensitive renovation has maintained the elegance of this quite remarkable building. Inside and out, the original features and fittings have been restored. Old photographs from its days as The Tech are on display in the corridors and a copy of the original school prospectus is available at Reception. The outdoor swimming pool has gone and the farm buildings are in a very poor state but, for all that, an amble around this building is well worth the effort. In the siting of the school and the care that was taken over every detail of its design, one can still get a sense of the energy and aspirations which were once invested so heartily in this place, not just by the school Governors but equally by successive generations of Island and Highland boys journeying away from home for the first time at twelve years old.