Mackay Country Community Trust Moving Times & Museum Tales - The Project
When this Side School was created the estate insisted that it should be out of sight of the Lodge. The late Joseph Mackay, Melness, taught in this school in Strathmore. Charlie Mackay attended school there at that time. By 1948 the school roll has suddenly dropped to just 2 pupils and was at one point closed all together but reopened again after a time. The School Log indicates how volatile the school roll can be in this kind of location.
Extracts from The School Log Book
7th March 1927
Class has first signs of epidemic “whooping cough”. Nurse Petter visited Arnabol. Dr Irvine after examining Morrisons & Gunns reported whooping cough, first stages. Gave line to effect six pupils unfit to attend school. I wired Mr Petter, Durness & Dr Macrae, School Med Officer.
18th March 1927
Leave of absence granted till April 4th owing to poor attendance and presence of cough as certified by local doctor on examination. Attendance only two.
8th April 1927
School reopened. Attendance still 20%. Others not fit to attend. I disinfected school by sulphur fuming and let Clerk S.MC know of affairs. I filled in Qualifying Exam Papers for candidates.
24th June 1927
Euphemia Gunn admitted to school in infant dept. 5 yrs. Two pupils now in Infants. Number of pupils in school now thirteen; seven boys, six girls. Accommodation compressed.
22nd July 1927
I gave Exam to Seniors and Juniors in all subjects for Report cards. Eight Attendances. No. of openings = 384 Possible No = 400 -9x = 400 – 18 = 382. One boy Hugh Mackay was offered a Sutherland Technical School Scholarship – but does not accept. July 22nd – Sept 19th: Summer Vacation.
30th September 1927
HMIS Report on Hope Side School to hand. He expresses himself in the following words. “The roll in this school now amounts to thirteen and the Authority has done well in placing a trained teacher in charge. The work seems to be progressing satisfactorily.”
25th May 1928
This week attendance was 90%. The school was closed Thursday 24th May for Empire Day. The total number of pupils = 8. Two pupils, Hugh Mackay (Jun) and Margaret A. Mackay left the school on Friday 25th. As parents are leaving the district, they are transferred to Melness P.S.
7th July 1928
I noticed decision of Education Authority with regard to Side Schools with certified teacher. Headteachers of Public Schools not now supposed to examine side school where a certified teacher is appointed.
5th October 1928
Two pupils absent this week for hay making. I revised Elementary Arithmetic with the Qualifying.
12th October 1928
One new pupil admitted Jessie Gow aged 5 years. I gave only very easy work for first week eg. Counting beads and work with sticks, plasticine etc. This week school closed Thursday and Friday for potato lifting. School reopened Oct 15th. Eight pupils present
26th October 1928
I started class with needlework. I gave the boys simple tacking, hemming stitch, on a white seam. To the girls I gave a handkerchief, to highers a whole garment eg. Sewing bag. Nightdress base.
28th January 1929
This week’s attendance was broken by the absence of youngest pupil. With the help of the children we cleaned the school chimney as stove had been giving trouble. The weather continued frosty with snow showers. I gave more practice in Arithmetic to all classes.