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The project has arranged, organised and/ or participated in partnership in 44 events involving intergenerational participation. Specific events have been included for schools, senior citizens and families. This has involved opportunities to learn, relate stories and show ancestral artefacts.


Working with Fèis air an Oir has been integral to the success of this project. This group brought ceilidh to heritage events that would otherwise not have been possible with a warm, welcoming and hospitable factor.


We have engaged over 100 volunteers in the events. Volunteers participated in every aspect from preparation of venues, serving refreshments, joining music making opportunities, providing transport, or manning display stands. Training was a key element that was included at every practical opportunity in a manner that was recognised as learning by doing.


Strathy Hall was the venue for Strathnaver Museum’s double commemorative ceilidh. Strathnaver Museum and Fèis air an Oir were delighted to announce their new partnership project “Pibrochs and Poppies”. Fear an tigheat the event was Iain Mackay, better known as Ian Inshlampie who kept all the acts including Fèis air an Oir, Melvich Gaelic Choir, Piper Alan MacDonald of Glenuig and guests in a managed running order. The formal concert was intertwined with dancing and theceilidh was enjoyed by over 100 people of all ages

This project is funded by Museum Galleries Scotland World War 1 Fund 2014-2015 and The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) First World War: then and now.


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