Pibrochs and Poppies
A commemoration of WW1 Pipers from North West Sutherland

Will Sadler
For 10 years Will Sadler has run Arpeggio Films (www.a-films.co.uk): a production company based in Newcastle that specialises in producing films with the voluntary, public and cultural sectors – including extensive work with museums and galleries. Through the company, he also managed the multi-award winning Beacon Hill Film Project (2005-2011), which supports young filmmakers with learning disabilities to create and exhibit their own work. In 2011, Beacon Hill Film Project became a separate social enterprise called “Beacon Hill Arts” (www.beaconhillarts.org.uk) where Will has an ongoing role as the Development Director.
Arpeggio Films & Beacon Hill Arts have recently been jointly appointed one of the 24 BFI Film Academy partners: the national flagship scheme to develop filmmaking aspirations amongst 16-19 year olds. We are the only film academy in the country to focus on providing these opportunities to young people with a learning disability.
Donnie Macdonald, who was identified through the project, rediscovered some old tunes composed by his Father, Willie Macdonald, who was a military piper in WWI.
When I learnt of the plans to include these rediscovered tunes into the wider project, to add an intergenerational angle and to enable young musicians from the local community to bring them back to life – I thought this was a perfect focus for the film I had been asked to make.
Meanwhile the refurbishment of pipes which belonged to another WWI piper identified through the project, Alec Mackay, and the composition of a new tune inspired by the old composed by local musician Carol-Anne Mackay offered the film a modern dimension and relevance.
Learning about WWI pipers through their music offers an innovative and accessible way to tell their stories and to learn of their experiences during the war – but also demonstrates their positive spirit and hope expressed through their music at a time of extreme hardship.