By Shona Munro
Seannachaidh agus Taigh Ceilidh
Willie and John MacDonald’s mother, Grace Sutherland, was a Gaelic storyteller (seannachaidh), singer and in addition composed poetry. She was brought up in Melness. While keeping house for her brother in Glasgow she met Hugh MacDonald, Melness whom she married. They then returned to Melness. Her house was described as a ‘ceilidh house’ where family and friends would gather to hear stories, music, songs and even dancing. With music playing such an integral part of their lives it is little wonder that the brothers became such prestigious pipers.
One of Willie’s pupils was Willie MacLeod a native of Melness. He actually came to live in the house of his former tutor. Willie was known locally as ‘The Cannister’ and had a playful sense of humour. This was evident at local dances when he would play for lengthy periods of time, watching to see when the first dancer would start to tire.

Hamish Mackenzie's House
Johann Mackay (Jo), Trantlemore, Strathhalladale
Playing her button box
She started playing at the age of 9 with her brother at ceilidh's
Kindly donated by Donella Mackay, Strathy Point, Strathy