Mackay Country
Dùthaich Mhic Aoidh
An area in North-West Scotland of natural unspoiled beauty, rich in heritage & history
Parish of Eddrachillis.
Rev. ADA/n Gunn, n. a. John Mackay.
G L A S G O W :
Eddrachi/Us once formed part of the parish of Durness. It was erected into a separate parish in 1724, when Kinlochbervie district was added to ancient EddrachU/is, eadar-dachao/ as, between two Kyles—Kyles Sku and Laxford.
It now comprises about 175 square miles. The western portion once formed part of the barony of Skelbo, and was included in the church lands assigned by Hugh Freskyn,. ancestor of the Sutherland family, to Gilbert, the Bishop, 1200 a.d. He again bequeathed it to his brother, Richard Moray, of Culbyn ; but the church maintained its claim in subsequent times. About 1440, it passed into the family of Kinnaird, of Kinnaird, by whom it was disposed in 15 15 to John Mackay of Eddrachillis, son of Mackay of Strathnaver, the superiority remaining with the Earl of Sutherland. The purchase of the Reay Estates restored it to the House of Sutherland, after a lapse of 650 years.
Kinlochbervie, G. Ceann-loch-buirbhidh, head of Loch Buirve. There is no such loch now as Bervie. But there are remains of a burg or fort, on an arm of Loch Inchard, whence the name.
As/tare, on the maps, Oldshores. There are two Oldshores.
The old spelling in Privy Seal Record is Aslarmore, Aslarbeg, 155 1. The Gaelic pronunciation is Ashar, the first a being long. This gave rise to the conjecture that it is f&s-thire, asopposed to the sterile district of Ceathramh-garbh, rough quarter.
Sandwood, G. Seannabhat from Norse sand, sand, vat, lake, the sandy lake.
Sinairidh, G. seann, airidh, old shieling.
Badcall, G. bad, clump, coille, wood.
Achreisgilll, G. ach, field, N. rhis, copse-wood, and gill, a ravine.
Rhiconich, G. rhi, declivity or running stream, and coineach, mossy.
Achligh?iess, G achadh-luidh-an-uisge, wet field.
Inchard, an arm of sea ; the last part is N fiord, the inch, suggests G. innis, an island or peninsula, but is more likely Norse; cp. Icelandic Innes, resting houses. Inchard is one ot the best harbours on the coast.
Laxford, N. lax, salmon, and fiord, loch. The Gaelic is Luisard, a corruption of the Norse.
Scourie. There is a Scouroe in Arran, which is explained by Lytteil as a Norse term meaning Robbers' Hold, or Ruccaneers' Fort. Handa Island, N. sandy isle.
Fanag-more, G. Feannag, an agricultural term, Eng. Lazy bed.
Tarbat, a common place-name all over the Highlands.
G. An Tairbeart. The old derivation tamiing-bhat, drawingboats, must be given up. The characteristic of Scottish
Tarbats is, that they mostly all form peninsulas. This suggests a Norse derivation from bhat, vatn, water.
Badcall-scourie (given above). There are many small islands in Badcall bay, all bearing Gaelic names.
Duart-more, G dabh, ard, height.
Kykstrome, N. Kyle, and strom, stream.
The Principal Hills of Eddrachillis are :
Beinne-Leothaid, G. leathad, slope.
Beinn-stac, N. stakkr, abrupt hill.
Beinn-strom, N. as above.
Beinn-Arkle, N., the latter part being fell, Norse for hill. The first part of the word is possibly N. ark, from its level top.
Meall Horn, G. meall, eminence, N. horn, oblique case of arn-r, eagle.
Meall, Rinidh, and Altan-rinidh, G rinn, point.
Sabhal, beag, and mbr, G. sabhal, bar